Wild Rift

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.3c

Sep 13, 2023

This patch we’re charging in and bringing Hecarim to the Rift! Everyone’s favorite Star Guardian girlies are also making their return, and we’ve got your regularly scheduled balance updates. Welcome to Patch 4.3c!

Burn Bright—It’s Patch 4.3c!

This patch we’re charging in and unleashing Hecarim, The Shadow of War onto the Rift. He’ll excel at getting you right into the fight catching your foes off guard as you speed into their lane with a surprising gank. The Star Guardians are also back this patch, with new skins to add to your collection and an event to celebrate! And of course we’re bringing you your regularly scheduled balance updates! Welcome to Patch 4.3c!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.





Hecarim is a spectral fusion of man and beast, cursed to ride down the souls of the living for all eternity. When the Blessed Isles fell into shadow, this proud knight was undone by the destructive energies of the Ruination, along with all his cavalry and their mounts. Now, whenever the Black Mist reaches out across Runeterra, he leads their devastating charge, reveling in the slaughter and crushing foes beneath his armored hooves.

Hecarim will be released on September 21 at 00:01 UTC.




Charge into the Rift and trample your foes!

The Hecarim’s Charge event begins September 21 at 00:01 UTC



Burn bright and team up with your friends to fight the forces of evil!

The Star Guardian event begins September 27 at 00:01 UTC



No need to “wahri”, we’re buffing some of Ahri’s regen and flexibility, so that she can pounce around teamfights and kite her enemies more smoothly.

  • Base Stats

    • Regeneration from takedowns: 70/110/150/190 + 30% Ability Power → 80/120/160/200 + 35% Ability Power
  • Fox-Fire

    • Bonus movement speed: 40% → 45%


After her rework, Annie has been burning her foes to a crisp with her high damage burst and pouncing Tibbers. To give her opponents more options when they’re playing against her we’re lowering some of the damage she and her furry friend can deal.

  • Base Stats

    • Stun time: 1.25/1.5/1.75s → 1/1.25/1.5s
  • Disintegrate

    • Base damage: 80/130/180/230 → 80/125/170/215
  • Molten Shield

    • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11s → 14s
    • Base shield: 50/110/170/230 → 50/100/150/200
    • Bonus movement speed: 30/35/40/45% → 20/25/30/35%
  • Summon: Tibbers

    • Damage on first release: 140/250/360 + 60% Ability Power → 130/230/330 + 60% Ability Power
    • Damage on second release: 120/170/220 + 40% Ability Power → 110/150/190 + 30% Ability Power
    • Casting range of pounce: 800 → 700


Jhin is overpowering other marksmen in the early and mid game with his damage, and we “four-shadow” if we don’t make any adjustments this will continue. So we’re nerfing some of the damage he can deal.

  • Base Stats

    • Bonus damage of the last bullet: 14% + level × 1% (reach the upper limit of 25% on level 11) Health loss → 10% + level × 1% (reach the upper limit of 25% on level 15) Health loss
  • Deadly Flourish

    • Damage: 50/100/150/200 + 50% Attack Damage → 60/100/140/180 + 40% Attack Damage


As the game progresses into the later stages, Ninja Tabis begin to become weaker, since everyone has reached or is close to reaching their full builds. So we’ve made some adjustments so that Lee Sin doesn’t fall off as much when other champions reach their full builds.

  • Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike

    • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7s → 9/8/7/6s
  • Safeguard

    • Cooldown: 17s → 17/16/15/14s
  • Tempest / Cripple

    • Bonus Attack Damage: 100% → 125%
    • Cooldown: 10s → 8s
  • Dragon's Rage

    • Base damage: 175/400/625 → 200/425/650


Compared to her peers, Morgana is not performing well in the early and mid stages of the game. We’re buffing the damage from her abilities and her shield so that she can better protect her teammates in the earlier stages of the game.


    • Base damage: 5/10/15/20 → 7/12/17/22

    • Cooldown: 16/14/12/10s → 13/12/11/10s


In our previous patches, we nerfed Ornn’s damage so that he would fit into the role of the beefy tank for your team, but we’ve seen that he is still surviving much better than any other tank champions in the game. So, we’re nerfing his ability to stay in longer teamfights, and also nerfing his laning and pushing ability in the earlier stages of the game.

  • Base Stats

    • Bonus health, armor and magic resistance ratio: 7/14/21/28% → 7/12/17/22%

    • Brittle damage: 5% - 24% Maximum health → 5% - 20% Maximum health
    • Minimum damage to minions: 110/160/210/260 → 80/130/180/230


Samira has been struggling when going up against her foes in the Dragon Lane. Since she’s a marksman who needs to look for engages, rather than playing it safe and farming from afar, we feel Samira is not dealing the amount of damage she should for the risk she has to take. So we’re increasing some of her damage so that she is rewarded for the risky plays she needs to make to give her the advantage over her foes.

  • Base Stats

    • Bonus movement speed of each stack: 2.5% → 3.5%

    • Base damage: 10/15/20/25 → 15/20/25/30
    • Attack Damage: 80/95/110/125% → 90/105/120/135%

    • Mana consumption: 100/50/0 → 60/30/0
    • Attack Damage: 50% → 55%


It’s been a minute since we’ve shown our favorite scout Teemo some love, and we feel there's “mush-room” for some improvements! Since Teemo has some unique aspects to his kit, we’re going to give him more room to deal more damage in the mid to late stages of the game, which will allow Teemo to provide more help to his team after the laning stage.

  • Base Stats

    • Damage per second: 5 + Level × 2 + 7.5% Ability Power → 5 + Level × 3 + 9% Ability Power

    • Cooldown: 17s → 17/16/15/14s

    • Base explosion damage: 100/150/200 → 125/175/225


Tryndamere is struggling to go toe to toe with other carry champions in the Baron Lane, especially in higher levels of play, so we’re buffing his regeneration which should help him perform better in lane.

  • Bloodlust

    • Every point of Fury brings bonus regeneration: 0.7/1.3/1.9/2.5 + 1.2% Ability Power → 1/1.6/2.2/2.8 + 1.2% Ability Power
  • Mocking Shout

    • Cooldown: 14s → 12s


Marksmen rely heavily on attack speed, and since all of our adjustments to the runes and boots systems, Vayne has gained too many benefits. We’re slightly adjusting her attack speed per level and lowering some of her survivability so that if you pick Vayne in the Baron Lane you’ll face more risks in the earlier stages of the game.

  • Base Stats

    • Attack speed per level: 3.2% → 2.2%
  • Base Stats

    • Bonus movement speed when moving towards enemy champions: 15/20/30 → 10/15/20
  • Condemn

    • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12s → 21/18/15/12s


Since Vladimir’s release, he has ruled the rift with his excellent sustain and high damage in the later stages of the game. On top of that, he’s also performing well in every lane, so we’re adjusting him to even the playing field.


    • Crimson Rush regeneration: 20 + Level × 12 + (5%+ 0.04% Ability Power) × Health lost → 20 + Level × 10 + (5% + 0.03% Ability Power) × Health lost

    • Damage: 20/40/60/80 + 3% Maximum health → 20/40/60/80 + 2% Maximum health

    • Damage: 30/50/70/90 + 40% Ability Power +3% Maximum health → 20/40/60/80 + 35% Ability Power + 2.5% Maximum health



High Noon Hecarim

Releasing September 21 @ 00:01 UTC


Prestige Valiant Sword Riven

Releasing September 21 @ 00:01 UTC


Immortal Journey Diana

Releasing September 21 @ 00:01 UTC


Immortal Journey Tryndamere

Releasing September 21 @ 00:01 UTC


Star Guardian Mythic Chroma Ahri

Releasing September 27 @ 00:01 UTC


Star Guardian Kai’Sa

Releasing September 27 @ 00:01 UTC


Star Guardian Sona

Releasing September 27 @ 00:01 UTC


Star Guardian Soraka

Releasing September 27 @ 00:01 UTC


Star Guardian Zoe

Releasing September 27 @ 00:01 UTC