

Mar 4, 2022

Thank you for your patience while we were working with teams, their players, and our staff across the world to determine the best way for VCT to move forward in this difficult time.

After careful deliberation we are going to resume the competition with three VCT EMEA matches this weekend.

Below is an updated schedule for Week 4.


After this weekend, our current plan is to create a dual broadcast that will see Week 3 games played concurrently with the previously scheduled Week 5 matches. We are also building a plan to schedule the postponed matches from Week 4.

We’re aware that some teams are facing uncertainty regarding if they can continue competing in VCT EMEA with their current starting rosters. Our Competitive Operations Teams are in close communications with these teams, and are exploring potential adjustments to the League’s regulations that will help them navigate through the coming weeks. We will provide updates as soon as we can, but please be aware that further adjustments may be necessary if the situation changes.

To ensure the players’ safety, we’ve decided to pause Watch Parties for Week 4. We will be closely monitoring the situation to determine when it’s safe to resume Watch Parties, and will update you accordingly.

Our thoughts are with our teams, the players and our fans worldwide during these difficult times.