Wild Rift

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.0a

Feb 1, 2023

We’re launching two new mechanics, base burning and inhibitor respawns as well as balance updates across the Rift! Welcome to Patch 4.0a!

Bases are burning and inhibitors are respawning—Welcome to Patch 4.0a! 

This patch we’re focusing on making adjustments to some champions that have been in need of a hand and to those that needed to be taken down a peg. We’re also launching base burning and inhibitor respawning, so there could be some new strategies and tactics that you try towards the later stages of your games. We know these are newer changes to the game, so we’ll be keeping a close eye on them and as always let us know what you think about them! 

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.



Aatrox continues to see strong win rates and high ban rates. To combat this, we’re reducing the healing he gains from his World Ender, which is one of his more frustrating strengths.


    • Increased Healing: 30/45/60% → 25/35/45%


Riff raff, street rats, scoundrels, take that! We know that chasing Scoundrels without mana is no fun, so we’re lending you a hand and giving you a little more to have.


    • Cooldown: 18/14/10/6s → 14/10/6/2s
    • [NEW]: Gain 2% missing mana regen per second when chasing Scoundrels.


Support Ashe has been overperforming, so we’re shifting some of the power out of her Volley and into Ranger’s Focus. That way we can keep her role as a marksman on target.

  • Ranger's Focus

    • Base attack speed: 25/30/35/40% → 25/35/45/55%
  • Volley

    • Cooldown: 13/10/7/4s → 15/12/9/6s


Landing Rocket Grab is harder at higher levels of play, so we’re cranking up the movespeed after Overdrive’s acceleration decay.

  • Overdrive

    • Movement speed after the first acceleration decay: 10% → 25%
    • Movement speed after the second acceleration decay: 25% → 50%


It’s Jungle O'clock! We’ve noticed that jungle Ekko’s clear speed has been lackluster, so it’s time for a buff.

  • Base Stats

    • Monster modification: 110% → 140%


While we’re happy with the performance of Darkin Slayer Kayn, Shadow Assassin Kayn is struggling to hold his own against his alter ego. We’re giving Shadow Assassin a handful of buffs to make the choice between this form and the Darkin Slayer form a meaningful one.

  • Base Stats

    • Shadow Assassin passive reset time: 6s → 5s
    • Shadow Assassin passive bonus damage: 14%~42% → 32%~46%
    • Increased the quantity of charges that Shadow Assassin receives when damaging ranged champions.

    • Shadow Assassin cooldown: 8s → 7s

    • Shadow Assassin range increased slightly


Lucian’s been under-target lately, so we’re making this marksman hit a little harder.


    • Base damage: 95/140/185/230 → 110/150/190/230


Mid Lux is in a good spot, but support Lux is in a bit of a bind. We’re shifting some of the power out of her Ability Power ratios and into her base damage to help, since the support role won’t have as much Ability Power.

  • Prismatic Barrier

    • Shield: 40/70/100/130 + 15% Ability Power → 40/75/110/145 + 10% Ability Power
    • Return shield: 80/140/200/260 + 30% Ability Power → 80/150/220/290 + 20% Ability Power
  • Lucent Singularity

    • Damage: 60/120/180/240 + 60% Ability Power → 65/130/195/260 + 55% Ability Power


Nautilus win rates have been floating up under the radar, so we’re anchoring it back down with some Dredge Line nerfs.


    • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8s → 12/11/10/9s
    • Base damage: 70/130/190/250 → 60/120/180/240


Rakan is still flying high despite recent nerfs, so we’re reducing the damage on Grand Entrance and increasing the cooldown of Battle Dance. This should ruffle some feathers.


    • Base damage: 80/150/220/290 → 70/140/210/280

    • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12s → 20/18/16/14s


Sett’s base Attack Damage is low especially when compared to other fighters, so we’re making him hit harder but slower. We want this boss to throw those heavy Haymakers, not fast jabs.

  • Base Stats

    • Base Attack Damage: 52 → 58
    • Attack speed per level: 1.7% → 1.2%


Yone is on the strong side, and feedback from you all has been very clear that he’s extremely frustrating to play against in his current form. So, we’re slashing some of his waveclear and defensive capabilities to make sure that he exposes himself to proper risks.


    • Minimum damage to minions: 50~400 → 60~200
    • Damage cap to monsters: 100~380 → 80~290
    • Base shield: 40 + 70% bonus Attack Damage → 30 + 70% bonus Attack Damage


We’re big Zoe fans over here, and really hope she wins xd. But right now, she has a bug and those are no fun, so we’re fixing it this patch!


    • [BUG FIX]: Fixed an issue that prevented this ability from applying on-hit effects.




Now even more woke and giving you the refunds you deserve (unlike your upcoming taxes).

Unique passive:

  • Cooldown refund on kill: 20% → 25%


We’ve been keeping a close eye on Horizon Focus and it looks like we’ve got some damage buffs on the horizon for this item. 

Unique passive:

  • Damage: 80 + 20% Ability Power → 90 + 25% Ability Power


We feel that Luden’s Echo can use a little boost to help it stand out amongst the other Ability Power items so we’re giving it a bit more damage…damage…damage…

Unique passive:

  • Lightning damage: 100 + 10% Ability Power → 110 + 10% Ability Power



To limit turtling tactics in the later stages of the game and keep the overall length of games reasonable, we’re introducing the Base burning System. In the very late stages of the game, turrets will begin to burn, accelerating games to their conclusion.

  • At 25 minutes the outermost turret in each lane loses 25 magic resistance and 25 armor and starts to lose 3% max health every 3 seconds.
  • Inhibitor Turrets stop taking burning damage when their health drops below 25%.
  • Base burning has no effect on the Nexus.


To provide more opportunities for interesting comebacks in the mid to late game, Inhibitors can now respawn. When an Inhibitor respawns, the respawned Inhibitor cannot deal damage to enemy units. Inhibitor respawn time scales up with game time, so losing an Inhibitor in the early stages of the game will have less of an impact while taking an enemy Inhibitor in the late game remains a powerful tactic to close out games.

  • Inhibitors respawn after destruction based on game time.
    • If an Inhibitor is destroyed within the first 13 minutes of the game, it respawns after 4 minutes.
    • If an Inhibitor is destroyed between 13-18 minutes, it respawns after 5 minutes.
    • If an Inhibitor is destroyed after 18 minutes, it respawns after 6 minutes.
  • Respawned Inhibitors cannot attack.


Feb 2 - Feb 8: Amumu, Braum, Caitlyn, Evelynn, Malphite, Pyke, Renekton, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Yasuo

Feb 9 - Feb 15: Galio, Karma, Kennen, Kha’Zix, Lucian, Kayle, Katarina, Senna, Samira, Xin Zhao