League of Legends

TAKE NOTES | MSI 2022 - League of Legends

May 1, 2022

GET READY TO TAKE NOTES! Cause the best 11 teams in the world are about to put on a *&$(@$ show at MSI 2022. Who will take home the glory? Watch #MSI2022 live and find out at http://lolesports.com May 10-29 (PT). Song: “Set It Off" by DPR LIVE and DPR CLINE LISTEN NOW: https://found.ee/setitoff Spotify: https://found.ee/setitoff-spotify Apple Music: https://found.ee/setitoff-applemusic Amazon Music: https://found.ee/setitoff-amazonmusic Youtube Music: https://found.ee/setitoff-youtube Deezer: https://found.ee/setitoff-deezer Follow LoL Esports on social to stay up-to-date with the best of competitive LoL around the world: Twitter: https://twitter.com/lolesports Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lolesports Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lolesports